
Existing Clients: Please use this link to securely update your insurance and address information to prevent interruption of coverage. Policies often change with the new year and it's important that we keep your information up to date.

Availability Notice: Our practice is near capacity and we are accepting new clients on a very limited basis. When openings are available, we are offering telehealth services only. We are not offering in-person sessions at this time.

As always, for a mental health emergency , please call 911, go to the nearest hospital emergency department, or call one of these community resources right away:

About Networks
Networks, Inc., a non-profit group practice in downtown Burlington, has provided expert mental health and substance-abuse services to the community for over 40 years. The multi-disciplinary group of clinicians brings extensive experience and diverse approaches to working with children, adolescents, adults, couples, and families.

Networks, Inc. provides a full range of therapies to include individual, couples, family and group therapy.

Our clinicians work collaboratively to respond to each client’s therapeutic needs. We believe that in a safe environment, with the guidance of a caring professional, people can find solutions to their problems and develop new skills to handle life's challenges.